Kamis, 03 Agustus 2017

These 8 daily activities can harm your spine. Do not be underestimated !!!
Who would have thought, everyday activities that we consider ordinary turned out to be fatal in the backbone.
Here TribunWow.com summarizes daily activities that could harm your spine, as reported by Brightside.
Check out more!
1. Brushing your teeth
When standing, the pressure on the spine is much higher than when walking.
If you have to stand for hours every day, you must find a way to reduce the danger that stalks your spine.
So, if brushing your teeth, try to tender one of your hands on the wall to keep your body upright.

Menyikat gigi

2. Washing dishesWhen washing dishes, usually everyone will stand in a half-bent position and a slightly tense arm.
Start looking at it now!
Try to take advantage of the chair.
Way, place one of your knees on the chair to keep the body upright.

Mencuci piring

3. Replace the tires of your own car
Every car owner must have experienced this challenge.So, when changing the wheels of the car, try not to bend down.
Try to stay sitting next to the wheel while changing the wheel of the car.

Mengganti ban mobil

4. Bring a grocery bag from the supermarket
When returning from the supermarket, make it a habit to buy an additional plastic bag so that the hand side is balanced in carrying the load.
Note, the maximum weight that women can carry is 2 kg while for men 5 kg.

Membawa tas belanjaan

5. Mop the floor
Floor mopping activities can harm the spine if it is wrong to do so.
Try to avoid mopping wearing cloth.

Mengepel lantai

6. Wear shoes
Anything done with a bent position can be dangerous.
One of them while wearing shoes.
Try to sit while wearing shoes and do not stand while bowing.
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Memakai sepatu

7. Wear a backpack
Backpacks are not only used by students, but many people wear because the backpack can accommodate many personal items.
The most important thing when wearing a rucksack is to wear a strap on two sides.
In addition, choose a backpack that has a wide and soft strap because it can reduce the pressure on the neck and spine.

Memakai ransel

8. Take heavy objects on top
When you want to take something above, the spine will stretch and can be bad for the spine.
So, if it will take the goods whose position is on top, though until, try to keep wearing chairs to keep the spine.

 Mengambil benda berat dari atas

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