How to Eat Rasulullah SAW.
Eating is an activity that every human must undertake.
The way and the diet is very influential on our physical, even spiritual health.
Rasulullah Muhammad SAW has exemplified the ideal way and diet that made him only
3x pain during his life.
The principle that Muhammad Rasulullah always associated with food is:
ü Only eat Halal food (allowed according to Shari'a)
and Thayyib (both nutrition and ingredients)
ü Never eat until it is too full.
ü Do not be tempted to eat again after full.
ü Do not eat over a third of the stomach,
because the other third is for drinks and the last third for air (breath).
The Prophet's eating procedure is as follows:
1) Read prayer before eating;
ü At least read basmalah: "Bismillah".
ü If we forget to read the prayer, then remember while eating, read:
"Bismillahi fii awwalihi wa aakhirihi", which means:
"In the name of God at the beginning and the end".
2) Sit well, firm and lean, to have the food down completely;
3) Washing hands before eating;
4) Eat with the right hand;
5) Be simple and not excessive when eating;
6) Start eating from the dish or portion that is closest to us;
7) Do not fill the mouth with too much food;
8) Do not talk much while eating;
9) If possible, eat together (not dispersed alone);
10) If eating together from one place to eat, do not restore the remaining
food in hand to the place to eat. So just take a bite as necessary so that no
left in hand;
11) Do not make a loud noise while chewing food because it will disturb others;
12) Do not watch and look at the person who is eating, because the person being
watched will be annoyed and reduce his appetite
13) Do not leave food on the plate (where to eat);
14) It is advisable to clean hands and fingers by mouth when finished eating;
15) If any food is falling, if possible, picked up, cleaned, then eaten again;
16)When you have finished your meal, read the word hamdalah: "Alhamdulillah";
17) Wash hands after meals.
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